In my research I am investigating how machine learning and big data analytics can drive the development of intelligent communication networks. I believe the advent of high throughput, ultra-low latency applications such as autonomous vehicle communications and virtual reality will make autonomous, self-adaptive networks paramount to enabling any scalable deployments of 5G services at sustainable costs. The upcoming era of 5G networks is therefore an exciting opportunity to conduct research that lies at the intersection of ubiquitous connectivity, intelligence, and distributed systems.
Promote predictive networking and links to it.
Check scalable IoT presentation
My current research focus is on:
5G/6G Communications and Networking
Radio Resource Management (RRM) for Low Latency Communications
AI-Driven Wireless Networks
UAV, Non-Terrestrial Communications
Disruptive 6G Architectures & Protocols
Immersive & Multi-Sensory Communications
Traffic Modeling and Characterization of 6G Applications
Predictive RRM & Cross-Layer Designs
Communication-Compute-Control Co-Design
Testbed Prototyping & Development of Multi-Sensory Communications
Robust Intelligence for Future Networks
Interpretable, Scalable AI for Networks
Robust Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Multi-Agent and Federated Learning
Low-Overhead Online Learning
I am looking for talented and motivated students to join my research group. My research spans both theoretical and applied fronts of communication networks and is driven (in part) from the current challenges of commercial wireless networks. If you are interested in joining my group, contact me via email after ensuring that you meet the UCalgary admission requirements for local and international students.